As the school year draws to a close, I am amazed by God's goodness to me over the course of this year. I've seen the Lord answer many prayers this year. From time to time, we have ministry needs. If anything on this list resonates with you, please contact me.
1. Prayer. Prayer. Prayer. This is the single greatest need I have. If you or your prayer group would be willing to pray for us continually, please contact me (e-mail below). I become more convinced with each passing day that S.D. Gordon's quote is spot on: "Prayer strikes the winning blow. All we do is pick up the pieces."
2. Odd Jobs! I have a group of kids that have really worked hard to make money delivering and spreading mulch. As our Young Life camp trip to Saranac approaches, we're trying to help kids work off the remainder of their camp trip. Any type of yard work or odd job would be greatly appreciated.
3. Donors. I am trying to find a combination of 100 people, churches and businesses that would donate $100 a year to a urban Young Life Scholarship fund. Details are in the three-minute video below.
4. I'm amazed at two realities. First, the power of the gospel to save someone like me. Second, there are subcultures of people even in Bible-belt communities where entire subgroups of people have virtually little to know gospel witness.
As I see what's happening in my community, I am praying that the Lord will give me an open door with some of the more "at-risk" kids who aren't involved in the regular Young Life meeting. I'd love to use the Young Life model of ministry to reach out to the rough kids in my community this summer.
I'm a huge fan of and huge believer in the local church. My prayer is that the Lord would use me to be a bridge between the lost and the local church through the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ
If you'd like to know more about specific needs to make the summer outreach happen, please contact me.
5. My wife also would like to take the Young Life model of ministry and reach out to teen moms. I am so proud of her! This hits home with her as it is a part of her own testimony. If you'd like to know more about how you can support Emily in YoungLives, please contact her at
6. My mother, Linda Lassiter, and her lifelong friend Mary Melton have been laboring in a multicultural K-5 Christian School called King's Academy. Pray for the open house this Tuesday, and contact me if you want to know how you can help with the school.
Thank you guys so much for your support and taking the time to read this.
In Christ
Chris Lassiter
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