Saturday, January 21, 2012

Making a Don't-Do List!

"Your don't-do list is as important as your to-do list!" - Howard Hendricks

Time is like money in the sense that if you don't budget it, you will end wondering it all went. However, time is different than money in the sense that you can never get it back. Therefore, that makes time our most precious resource.

Moses says it like this in Psalm 90:12

12 Teach us to number our days,
   that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

So to be productive, we need both a to-do and a to-not-do list.

You know what to put on your to-do list, here are a few suggestions to put on your to not-do list.

1. What are things that waste your time?
2. What are things that pull you away from your goals?
3. What takes up a bunch of your time but really isn't all that important?

If you could save just 15 minutes in your day by making a don't do list, you could add reading the Bible through in a year to your to-do list.  For me, my personal goal is to limit my time on social media and to use the time that I spent on social media to learn all the kids' names at the high school where I help lead a high school campus ministry.

What's going on your don't-do list?

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