Saturday, June 21, 2014

3 Reasons Holy Cross Members Should Have Me Over This Week

"Don't expect it to happen in the church if it's not happening in your living room!"  - Rick Gilmartin on gospel-centered racial restoration 

If you heard Rick's sermon Walking in Reconcilation on Sunday, you may have (hopefully) asked yourself, "How do I flush this out?"  As providence would have it, I have a set of circumstances unique to me for a week that may be a great first step for all of us. 

My wife and kids are out of town for the week. Vacationing at Myrtle Beach.  From a purely practical standpoint, I'm flying solo for the week. 

Me this week .... 
So, being at a new church that just had a sermon on racial reconciliation, I figured I'd invite myself "into your living room" for the following three reasons: (I would invite you to mine but I'm a bachelor for the week so the home may not look like Better Homes and Gardens this week) 

1. I don't want to waste this unique window of time. I'm at a new church. There are lots of new people to befriend. To top it off, our pastor laid out a challenge to be in one another's living rooms. With me being by myself for the week, this may be the best opportunity I have to grow in relationships with members of this local body. 

2. Better race relations for the gospel sake won't just happen. I can think of lots of things that would be more comfortable to do, but I can't think of anything that would be better to do with my week than to take this first step in reconciliation. I want to be available for people to take their first steps. And, as Rick pointed out in the sermon, I need it just as much! I have questions, too! 

3. There's also a missional reason. On June 28th, my wife, my kids and I leave for the Bahamas! It's not a vacation. We're going with Young Life. I will be the camp speaker for the week. For five days, I get to tell kids the grand narrative of the Bible. It's a privilege, but I'd also like to give more time to prayer and the scriptures than I would to cooking. (And my refridgerator probably looks like this except maybe not as clean.) I have to be super disciplined with my time this week to get everything done. 

With all that being said, as I glance through my work schedule, I see I am available: 

  • Sunday dinner if it's after 7'
  • Monday Dinner anytime
  • Tuesday dinner anytime
  • Friday for dinner anytime
I really hope to hear back from people that I don't know so well in the body and people who, after hearing that sermon, are eager to take one small step toward reconciliation. I lost my password on the City (I think) so it may be better to e-mail me ( or text me (540) 569-0270! 

P.S. I wrote this from on an old blog site, but I do have a new blog where I share thoughts from time to time on faith, culture and the gospel. One blog that may be a good conversation starter is the challenge of finding a church for an interracial family

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